Book: Leaders Eat Last
Author: Simon Sinek
Purchase: Print | eBook | Audiobook
Citation: Sinek, S. (2014). Leaders eat last : why some teams pull together and others don't. New York, New York: Portfolio/Penguin.
Three Big Takeaways:
When you don’t fear you will lose your job, performance will skyrocket
Should not have to limit the number of smart things you say at work - in a trusting environment people do not feel threatened.
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Good leaders do not isolate themselves from their workers, they do not rule with fear, and they do not create intense competition inside their company.
Other Key Ideas:​
​​Having a job we hate is as bad for our health as having no job at all.
When bosses ignore us, 40% of employees become disengaged. But if bosses recognize just one strength and reward us for what we’re good at, only 1% of employees actually completely disengage.
Lower-level employees usually have more stress than do higher level employees.
Even though we know that feeling insecure at work hurts our performance and health, we often stay in jobs we hate.
33% of employees seriously consider leaving their job; only 1.5% actually voluntarily leave; very similar to staying in a toxic relationship.
Need to give clear company goals and vision as opposed to anything that is abstract​
People would rather work at a job where they feel like they belong over higher salaried jobs.
The responsibility of leaders is to teach their people the rules, train them to gain competency, and build their confidence.
People cannot maintain more than 150 close relationships; No one person can effectively manage more than 150 people is there is to be a sense of trust and cooperation.
Donating time and focused energy is more important than money. The example to this is someone who gives money to help you with a move vs. someone who actually comes and helps with the move.
In a culture of weak character, people will feel the only way to have protection is their own ability to manage the politics.
When leaders are lying and saying the company is better that is in order to avoid humiliation or humility, we lose trust in that leader.
Leadership is about integrity, honesty, and taking accountability.
Socializing together leads to trust.
When we are disconnected from the people with whom we work, we spend more time focused on our own needs than the needs of the people for whom we’re supposed to be responsible.
There is something about getting together outside of work that makes us more open to getting to know someone.
Don’t necessarily have to befriend someone, but getting to know someone outside of work may not actually be that bad.
An authoritarian/dictator leader might initially have higher results, but over the long run the empowering leader has greater success.
There is some truth that text messages and smart phone notifications are actually addictive, just like alcoholism.
Remember how everyone always wanted to smoke? Well, cigarettes are out, social media is in (in terms of being addicted to doing something).
Studies reveal that more time spent on Facebook = the worse people feel
Leadership takes work. It takes time and energy. The effects are not always measured and not always immediate. Leadership is always a commitment to human beings.