Graduating from high school is a big deal. Choosing to continue your education at a post-secondary institution is an even bigger deal. Our counseling staff at South Tama County High School came up with one of the coolest things I have seen - a "college bound" wall. Every student who is accepted to a two- or four-year college, the military, or into a training program gets to get a picture taken next to their acceptance letter on the college bound wall. The picture is shared on all of our social media platforms. This idea has created quite the buzz around our high school and in the community. We have actually had a number of other high schools and school districts reach out to us and ask if they could do the same thing. It has been incredible to see how excited the students are about receiving their acceptance letter and then getting the picture taken so the whole community can see their plans for next year. Shoutout to Dan Lopez and Marlys Upah for coming up with this awesome idea!
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