When planning a staff training or professional development one of the "must haves" for any morning meeting is coffee. When deciding what coffee to offer you staff, consider supporting local business. The number of local coffee roasters really seems to have taken off in the last decade. The areas I have lived are no exception and the number of local companies who have their products in the coffee isle at the local supermarkets seem to be growing.
We have been trying to get into a habit of providing local coffee for our staff. Not only does it provide staff an opportunity to try out regional flavors, it also provides the potential for your local roaster to get some free advertising. At one of our most recent meetings, we offered coffee from Ross Street Roasting, a coffee company in Tama, Iowa. And if you are looking to take it up another notch, consider inviting the coffee-producer to come in to quickly describe the blends to the staff and bring some extra product in case any staff members want to bring coffee home.
