Have you worked in an organization where inappropriate employee actions never seem to be addressed? Have you worked in an environment where lazy employees always manage to get others to do their work? Have you worked in a culture where rules are created to address the negative behaviors of a few individuals?
One of my biggest pet peeves is when leadership fails to address the behavioral issues within an organization. By failing to address these situations, the end result is poor employee morale, good employees leaving the organization, and a general feeling of mistrust and despair. I have seen this scenario unfold too often in work environments, and as a result I find myself highly motivated to ensure this does not happen in our district.
In his book EntreLeadership, Dave Ramsey suggests,"Part of leading well is creating an atmosphere where justice prevails. That means unresolved conflict is a leadership breakdown." When behavioral issues are brought to my attention I have started to use Ramsey's words, assuring our employees this will be a place where "justice prevails." I have found that individuals who hear these words express relief in knowing leadership will do everything in their power to hold others accountable for their actions.
I'm not saying all employee issues are always resolved, but by intentionally assuring staff members they are working in a district where justice prevails, this mindset starts to spread and there is a genuine belief that negative employee behaviors will not be tolerated.
